Our very first sale in 2007 was to Rainey’s Luggage. Craig and Mary Jane Rainey run their family business on the east side near Bookman’s on Speedway and Wilmot. We had often taken our bags to them for repairs, and had purchased a few bags from them. They were our favored store because they were small, local, friendly and reliable. Their family began the business in 1961 and they were the 3rd generation to successfully run Rainey’s. They were able to appreciate the luggage label concept that Dale had, and because he was local, agreed to give our products a try.
Fred, who was the primary contact, was always friendly when we came in to check on stock, and let us know when we were running low. We eventually transitioned to luggage tags , and we have been a wholesale supplier to Rainey’s ever since. In 2020, Rainey’s was closed for some time, but they are back and we are encouraged that the “shop small” and “shop local” concepts that are alive and well in Tucson.
Stop by and experience their fine selection, outstanding service and friendly atmosphere. Thank you to the Rainey’s for helping launch RetroTrek! We look forward to many more years of success with them in the Old Pueblo!